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Ideas for Episode Pages?

Looking over the 'Dependency Day' page, I think having the synopsis/tagline at the top is best, so that users can briefly glance and articles and head out if they don't want to read a full recap. Of course if the 'Season 1' pages are fitted with a tagline this also accomplishes this. Secondly, the 'Major Events' section is a good idea; listing first/last appearances of characters, change of governments, new powers displayed. I hope eventually that there is an event category; with pages such as "The Hyde Park Ambush" and "Operation: Light Switch." Cast Lists might be a good idea, so that when character pages prop up it will be easier to gather information on them.

Finally, I put a bit of work into recapping the first three episodes on the other wiki: it is located at if you want to use it. I only have information about Paragon's actions, but I also incorporated events of Earth 16 prior to Paul's arrival.
